Thursday, February 1, 2007

First Post

Here's my first post, it's a little late, so lets get started with the details.

This blog details my progress through my CMSI 499 Gesture Recognition class at Loyola Marymount. The class is focusd on learning through:
1. Reading published papers on the subject
2. Using and enhancing on gesture recognition code created by David Hoffman
3. Incorporating that code into a gesture based drawing program called Jig

Here's where I'm at so far:

I am successfully a part of the jig and poap projects. I have CVS access to jig via the LMU computer lab and I have access to poap via

Current goals:
1. Look at how to incorporate undo/redo into jig.
2. Make small test program that utilizes Java SPI.
3. Continue reading articles about gesture recognition.

That's what's going on this week. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

B.J. Johnson said...

Patrick --

I think it's great that you are building on Dave's project! It was an ambitious undertaking as a graduate thesis, and for you to take on expansion is admirable.
